Prophetic word for the Morningstar Kingdom Business Administration

Beloved there is a mighty work of recreating and restructuring unfolding within the midst of MKBA, a transformation ordained by our King and rooted in the timeless principles of His Kingdom. As leaders within MKBA, we stand committed to seeking the wisdom, knowledge, and revelation of our Lord, aligning our mission and values with the divine economy of Heaven.

Our endeavor is clear: to bridge the chasm between Heaven’s economy and that of the earth, administering the Word of God to the nations within the marketplace. We shall do so not only with excellence, edification, and encouragement, but also with provision for one another, guided by the wisdom of Solomon. Our aim is to unleash the full potential of marketplace ministry, bringing healing and harvest to the business world as we transform the culture through the Gospel of the Kingdom.

In the hearts and minds of those ordained within MKBA, there shall reign balanced scales of justice and righteousness. We shall diligently train and equip every member of the MKBA tribe to emerge as ambassadors, teachers, and evangelists, unveiling not only the wealth and riches of the world but also the inexhaustible treasures found in Christ Jesus.

We are not merely a ministry unto man, but unto the Lord Himself, conveying His heart and His will for the provision of mankind. In this sacred pursuit, we shall be about our Father’s business, enhancing our spiritual IQ and uncovering the divine wisdom bestowed upon us by our Creator.

With the authority granted unto us through the cross and the ascension of Christ, we shall shatter the chains of poverty, restore fairness and equity to trade practices, and realign our culture with the principle of loving our neighbors as ourselves. For mankind was entrusted with the earth to rule and reign, mirroring our Lord’s dominion in the heavens.

In every aspect of our work, whether as journeyman, CEO, or business founder, we shall show no partiality, but instead, we shall minister, pray, and teach with fervor and desperation, seeking to prosper each soul as their spirit prospers. We shall exemplify our King in character, leadership, and honor, bringing glory to His name and demonstrating the boundless depths of His faithful love to all mankind. Amen.

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